Shout out to all my low garlic free friends out there, this recipe is for you!
Something I have noticed since going through a garlic intolerance is that it’s in EVERYTHING! Ok, well maybe not everything obviously not in food like chocolate. But boy do Americans love to cook with this stuff. Whenever I would eat out at restaurants, if i’m not explicit with my garlic free requirements 9.5 times out of 10 my food will be garlic heavy and my stomach would be very upset with me.
Even regular supermarket items likes Pasta Sauce and Hummus always contain this otherwise good for you ingredient. Luckily I’ve built my tolerance back up and I can enjoy it without the tummy ache. But going through the struggle, I wanted to create this recipe for everyone else out there who may want their hummus without the garlic hangover.
This Hummus recipe is super easy and makes for a quick and tasty whip up when you need something to dip your corn chips into or dress an otherwise boring plate of veg.