Ohh paleo buffalo cauliflower, how I love the. How have I not made you sooner? I’m in serious love with these bite-sized goodies and really don’t know of any other vegetable that is so darn multi-talented. Cauliflowers resume right now is pretty darn impressive. If I was a vegetable, I would be hella intimidated by this cruciferous’s ability to morph into just about anything.
I’ve used cauliflower in:
- Gnocchi
- ‘Ice-cream’ bars
- Pizza crust
- Jalapeno poppers
- Bolognese
- Thick mint slice
- A lower-carb mash
- And now this paleo buffalo cauliflower

Given that Super Bowl is right around the corner I wanted to give all of you who love your snacks on game-day an option that’s not going to have you sacrificing your gut health in the process.

Cassava flour is called for in the initial coating of the cauliflower. Because it’s not always available, depending on where you’re located, if you need a substitute, try arrowroot for paleo or a simple gluten-free baking flour.

Traditional recipes call for a truckload of hot sauce for the final coating process but I opted for a mixture of unsweetened BBQ sauce and hot sauce to keep the heat down as well as the cost. There are 2 specific brands I used – Primal Kitchen Foods for the BBQ and Siete Foods for the hot sauce because both of these brands use high-quality ingredients in their products, so they’re my go-to for recipes like this. Both purchased from Wholefoods.
Need some more game day recipe ideas? Check these out